Stony Brook Animal Hospital is located on the corner of Stony Brook Drive and Taylorsville Road, just west of Hurstbourne Lane.
Stony Brook Animal Hospital
4600 Taylorsville Road
Louisville, KY 40220
Phone: 502-491-9096
Fax: 502-491-9097
Doctors hours by appointment
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Have an Emergency?
We do accept emergency cases during regular business hours, however if you need emergency services when we are closed we refer those cases to Blue Pearl Veterinary Specialists and Emergency Services 502.244.3036 for after hours ER. They have board-certified veterinary internists, emergency and critical care specialists, and surgeons on staff.
Contact information Blue Pearl is below:
Blue Pearl Veterinary
13160 Magisterial Dr
Louisville, KY 40223
Phone: 502.244.3036